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Soutien du chagrin
Lena Serrano
Né àCalifornia
79 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Les Mémoires
Rachel Grand daughter December 7, 2017
I remember the walks to Beach's market to get stuff for sandwiches.  She would talk to all the neighbors along the way and once she got to the market, everyone knew her.  The checkers, the produce and deli guys, the bag boys and the person in the check cashing window.  They all greeted her and stopped to chat with her.  She had a good listening ear and was very down to earth, very easy to talk to.  She would cry with you, be mad with you and celebrate anything good that happened to you with you.  She always bought a single pickle packaged in brine to slice thin and put on my sandwich.  I still love pickles on my sandwich.  I am so happy to have memories of those walks with her.  My heart aches for her and I feel so sad and lost without her. 
Les Mémoires Totales: 6
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