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Lena Serrano
79 years
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Rachel Andrade Rachel October 4, 2018
My grama was such wonderfully strong woman.  As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be like her because she was fearless and for a long time I felt like I was just like her in that way.  She did everything she needed to for her kids and herself and she didn't hesitate,  not one bit.  I really feel like she taught me that I am a strong female and how to use that strength.  I am so proud to be one of the persons that she loved and taught.  I miss her with every fiber of my being, I'll think about her everyday until I am no more or until I see her again.
Rachel the old granddaughter May 7, 2018
I just miss her so much.   My heart feels broken knowing she isn't here.
me grandchild April 16, 2018
I remember her coming to lay down with me until I fell asleep when we left her house and moved down the street.  Ironically after I became an adult and she would come over to visit, she loved to lay down in my bed and rest/sleep or watch TV.  I love so much knowing that she was  comfortable in my bed/bedroom.  I miss her so much, she's in my every thought and sometimes I feel like I'm going to go crazy. 
Me I love you February 2, 2018
Grama, my heart aches for you.  I miss you so much, its hard to function.
rachel grand daughter December 29, 2017
Remembering Grandmother Quotes. QuotesGram                                                                                                                                                                                 More
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